Marketing Nation Presentation – 15 Things Not To Tell Your CMO #MKTGNATION

mtngNationI presented at my third Marketing Nation yesterday. First year was on metrics, last year on sales and marketing alignment, this year it was on “15 Things Never to Tell Your CMO”.  I think I got the title wrong, as a better title would have been “How to Get Those Terrible Marketing Meetings Back on Track”.  Think about all the marketing strategy meetings, campaign sessions, sales interlocks, and global marketing meetings where the meeting is just off track because of some basic fundamental misunderstandings of how marketing works.

People use the word “market” and “messaging” without really knowing what they are saying.  Marketing programs are pitched without any real goals and the results are cooked to look great.  Marketing teams get pushed to hire regional marketing groups to do work easily done in a central team yet can’t find the people needed to do the local work that can’t be centralized.  The presentation walks through a series of these meetings and provides some strategies for how to handle the situation.

Once the video is posted, I will link to it, but until there, the PDF of the deck is attached.




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